Pellet Mix

Pellet - Mix

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Pellet Mix is a convenient way to feed a variety of pellets, sticks and discs.

The Pellet - Mix is one of our favorite items. We think you'll love it.

Inventory Last Updated: Feb 17, 2025

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Tao Li
Consistency issue

only a few algae wafers and has many of one kind could be fry pellets. It would be nice to list all the pellet name and their ingredients, this will be helpful for the new customers who are the first time buying the mix.

Good Mix

Very easy to feed a variety, I'm using this mainly for bristlenose plecos, shrimp and snails but of course all the nano fish love eating it too! Once I get to the bottom of the bag (were all the small pellets remain) I'll feed it to my African cichlids.

I would appreciate wafers half the size, breaking them in half each time is a pain (for my fingers).

Bernard Incarnato
Consistency is not there

Seems like every order of this has a different ratio of elements. One time few algae wafers and an overload of fry pellets and then the next order has an overload of wafers and hardly any fry pellets. The fish love this overall but with the latest order the jury is still out since the mix changed so dramatically.