DeWorming II:The medication base of this flake is geared towards internal cestodes and flatworms. We even have found it to be very effective at eliminating gill flukes. It is also made with our Freshwater Fish Flake Food with added garlic for additional protection. Give one feeding of this fish food exclusively, every day for 5-7 total feedings. Feed the fish only once each day of the treatment at the end of the day. They should be kept hungry, so they will eat vigorously.
Active ingredient: prazi quantel. This is only slightly water-soluble, so this will still be quite effective if not eaten immediately. The Proper Feeding of Medi-cated Fish Food is a must-read.Also contains beta-glucan for immune boosting. We recommend feeding our Prevent & Recover Fish Flake Food for 1 week after the medicated feeding is discontinued. For ornamental fish use only.
DeWorm 3:A garlic-based flake that is designed to kill nematodes (capillaria, camallanus, etc). It targets parasites similar to the ones our first De-worming Flake is designed for, but it works in a totally different manner. It is good to alternate medication types occasionally to help prevent the development of worms resistant to the one medication. This food should be fed exclusively, once each day for two days. Feed the fish only once each day of the treatment at the end of the day. They should be kept hungry, so they will eat vigorously. Repeat the full treatment two more times, 2-3 weeks apart.
Active ingredient: levam isole HCL. Also contains beta-glucan for immune boosting. This is water-soluble, so theProper Feeding of Medi-cated Fish Foodis a must-read. We recommend feeding our Prevent & Recover Fish Flake Food for 1 week after the medicated feeding is discontinued. For ornamental fish use only.
Packed in a Black Foil zip-lock bag, which will keep your food fresher for a longer time.
Imagine if you could be satisfied and content with your purchase. That can very much be your reality with the Fish Flakes: DeWorming.
So far some of my fish doesn't like it others. just eating without taste them.
AEFW begone
Bought this product to rid my Acro eating flatworms. So far no live worms only eggs left.
Joshua t Wakeland
Vermited killer i hope
I bought this in hopes that it will kill all of my vermited snails which has become a plague in my tank. I heard through the grapevine that it works and just takes time. I crush it up into fine powder. And I hope those little b******* eat it and die.. lol. 5 stars if it works and doesn't harm any other Wanted creatures in My tank.
I like that I live in USA where I’m allowed to buy this
Jordan larson
Very good quality
My fish wouldn't eat then but they are very good quality and shipping was fast
The medication does not taste good, and fish with parasites are not always eating the best. It is very important to follow our recommendations, which are on the site, linked from the page where you made the purchase.
So far some of my fish doesn't like it others. just eating without taste them.
AEFW begone
Bought this product to rid my Acro eating flatworms. So far no live worms only eggs left.
Joshua t Wakeland
Vermited killer i hope
I bought this in hopes that it will kill all of my vermited snails which has become a plague in my tank. I heard through the grapevine that it works and just takes time. I crush it up into fine powder. And I hope those little b******* eat it and die.. lol. 5 stars if it works and doesn't harm any other Wanted creatures in My tank.
I like that I live in USA where I’m allowed to buy this
Jordan larson
Very good quality
My fish wouldn't eat then but they are very good quality and shipping was fast
The medication does not taste good, and fish with parasites are not always eating the best. It is very important to follow our recommendations, which are on the site, linked from the page where you made the purchase.
Don't be fooled into thinking a fish food is good just because fish readily eat it. Children prefer candy over broccoli, but it doesn't mean that candy is better for them. A taste preference can easily be acquired through hunger. Getting them to prefer foods that are also very good for them, is the trick. Even though it's not always needed, our way of getting them to develop a taste for a new food, works. It is described below.
Fish won't eat their new food? When switching to a new fish food, we highly recommend getting the fish very hungry. Often times, fish become accustomed to a particular fish food and will not eat another, no matter how good it is for them. When introducing a new food, we usually don't feed the fish for 24-48 hours, depending on the size of the fish, and then offer only one bite per fish (key to success). Remove food after 1 minute if uneaten. Do this every few hours. It may take several days, especially for larger fish that have become accustomed to other fish foods. Don't worry, fish can easily and safely go much longer than this without food. Allowing the food to sit uneaten in the tank for even a couple hours can turn them off to the food permanently. If you don't give in, this method works every time.
Using this technique, you can quickly get most fish to eat a new food like ravenous piranha without much effort. In fact, we have to be careful feeding, because they often jump out of the tank in their feeding frenzy. Watch some of our fish feeding in the below video. Keep in mind, they were first introduced to these fish foods using this technique.
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